About US

BusinessRepute.ORG — this is a business reputation research agency. We examine the quality level and make our conclusion.

Maxim Efimov, founder of the agency and sole expert, quality researcher.

The honest, fair and principled position that the expert takes when conducting a study of the quality of services provided by companies and private agents allows you to trust the published conclusion on the quality level of the inspected subjects. Based on the results of a positive assessment of companies, agents are marked with insignia, quality marks and receive the right to use these registered trademarks «BIzReputeOk» and «ZvezdaMaksima» in their advertising companies and for marking places of service.

Contact us to conduct a survey and examination and make a conclusion about the quality level of your company, the services that your company provides, or about the quality level of your services as a private agent.

In case of a positive examination, you will receive a fixed competitive advantage!

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